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Wednesday, November 11 2020

This is #32 in The Crossing the Threshold series.

I came to the end of my notes on Crossing the Threshold but not the end of the class! I actually left off at the very climax of the story. So I am going to briefly explain the last few lessons and hope that if you have followed along thus far you will take the time to listen to the talks located under Crossing the Threshold on the Teaching page.

The Early Church Pattern (Part One)

We have learned thus far what worship is (a response to a revelation), and who is to be worshipped; the Triune God made know in Jesus Christ. We have also looked at the why of worship; it is what we were originally created for and the means by which we are restored as image bearers, royal priests, and true human beings. We want to examine next the how of worship; how does this transformation take place. For that we must look to the early church pattern, but before we do let’s understand where we are in God’s story.

God’s Glory has returned to dwell with his people and even though his own did not receive him and end up crucifying him, death cannot contain him for in him was life and that life was the light of all mankind ( John 1:4). With Jesus’ victory over death the new creation begins in him and for all those who enter into union with him what’s true of their King becomes true of his people. At their baptism they die to the old creation that is fading away and are raised not just as a new creation but as new creation (II Cor.5:17), meaning their very existence is part of the new creation which is now beginning. They are reflectors of his glory, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s very own possession (I Peter 2:9). God’s Genesis “project” disrupted by the “Fall” is now going forth in a way that can never be disrupted for Jesus Christ has all authority and is on the throne in heaven. He will exercise dominion over creation as the Last Adam through his body the church. Heaven and Earth have been united, never to be separated again.

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