Friday, July 30 2010
I was having coffee with a friend the other night and she reminded me of a list I had made several years ago. She told me how after receiving it she had tucked it away in her underwear drawer!. One day while walking through the valley of Alzheimers disease with her late father the list had surfaced and it gave her courage to love him well until the end. Now she keeps it on the front of her computer.
I thought if it had so much meaning for one person it might be worthwhile posting it for others. The list came to me one Saturday morning as I was sitting in bed thinking about the movie The Holiday. I was thinking of how the "dominant" woman Amanda and the "desolate" woman Iris were each living in unloving situations, so I wrote down what this place of "unlove" looked like. Then on a whim the women trade places for the holiday and suddenly find themselves in a whole new They are transformed by love and so are Miles, Graham, and Arthur.
God is love (1John4:16), He creates the atmosphere in which all the things listed below about love are true.
Restores that which is lost and much more than you can imagine.
Makes Real
Sets free, releases from bondage
Makes beautiful
Bestows favor
Lifts up and invites in
Fills the emptiness, the void
Sees things clearly
Brings Joy
Understands and is kind
Restores dignity
Is open and generous
"Anything is possible"
Wants to know you
Pursues the beloved
Masquerades as love
Cheats, unfaithful
Is selfish
Wants its own way
Wounds with words and deeds
Does not repent
Gets angry
Casts down, depresses
Makes inferior
Immobilizes with fear