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Tuesday, May 17 2011
I have been asked several questions regarding the website, so I thought a word of explanation might be helpful to all.

First question: Why the picture and the II Corinthians 5:17 verse?
When I found this picture ( after a long search), I felt it "said" in symbolic form all that I wanted the website to say. For me the rising sun and the brilliant green grass speak of a new day and "new creation". I really liked the small rock in the foreground that has somewhat of an arrow shape pointing to "The Rock" in the background. The verse is not necessarily my favorite or a life verse, but I do love the true meaning of it. N.T. Wright puts it like this: "Verse 17, one of the great summaries of what Christianity is all about. In the Greek language he (Paul) is using, he said it even more briefly: 'If anyone in Messiah, new creation'. The new creation in question refers both to the person concerned and the world which they enter, the world which has now been reconciled to the creator."
There you have it; picture and verse proclaiming the great truth that with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ the new creation has begun and you can be a part of it if you are "In Him".

Second Question: What about the class Faith, Film and Fiction?
Okay, I taught this class this Spring and I have to say it was one of the best I have ever taught, and not because I was teaching it! No it was the content that was so exciting....and as the lessons developed I became aware of a much deeper reason for the class than my own personal intention when I started out. I realized as we went on how deeply compartmentalized not only our culture is but that the deep divide between sacred and secular is within us! This class was a small step in breaking down that divide and challenging people to "see" in a whole new way.
The first two lesson ( or "conversations") are up on the website and there are six more to follow. These have been filmed but have not yet been edited. The person so graciously doing this for me is immersed in her work at the moment so we are waiting.....
The topics covered in the six sessions include film ( especially Titanic and Avatar), fantasy ( Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter), fiction, and fairy ( including Disney and Pixar films). The last session concludes the series with a talk on the Book of Revelation!  Wow!

Third Question: Why are some movies like Inception on the Leslie Hand Blog and not on Movieglimpse?
When I write on movies for Movieglimpse I never use the first person. I write on things that I think are there and that everyone could see if they just knew the language of symbols or parts of a story etc. In other words I am not writing my personal thoughts, (some may disagree with that statement ...I understand). On the blog I can write about things "I see" for me...maybe lessons I get or how a scene made me think of something. Movieglimpse is directed to one audience and Leslie Hand to another...that should be obvious.

Fourth Question: Would you be so kind as to respond?
If you have visited Movieglimpse or Leslie Hand I would really appreciate hearing from you. Thanks for taking the time and sharing your thoughts.

Finally, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Posted by: AT 09:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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